Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Can You Recommend a Food Processor

Well it happened, my old food processor blade disintegrated while making fat free hummus.  So, now I'm looking for the best bang for my buck.  I subscribe to Consumer Reports online.  The top two models are both Cuisinart brand with a Kitchen Aid coming in a very close third.  The Cuisinart models are both 200.00 while the Kitchen Aid is 89.99.  I have to wonder if there is that big of a difference.

Okay so all you veggie lovers out there who might happen across my humble blog please weigh in and let me know what you think.  I'm looking for easy to use and easy to clean up, simple and uncomplicated.

Thanks in advance!

Friday, November 11, 2011


I've heard it said a lot lately that when the dates line up as a series of 1's, like today, that it is a day of connection, of blessing, of unity, of healing.  A moment ago it was 1:11 am on 11/11/11.  I'm celebrating this once in a lifetime moment, but also finding that I'm celebrating everyday  more and more.  I'm starting to see the gift that everyday is if only I will open my eyes and see it.  So as I pause and acknowledge the rare qualities of today I pray that I will also pause on 11/12/11 and do the same.  how wonderful that each  day is unique and precious. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Magic Word is.....Choices

I grew up on Bewitched and I Dream of Genie.  I watched as two beautiful women wiggled their noses and nodded their heads in order to solve all their problems.  I have been waiting for magic words, pills, exercise gadgets and gimmick foods all of my life.  The truth is that there is no quick fix to restoring a healthy body when for 40 years I've been doing my best to destroy it.  Yo-yo fad dieting, periods of fanatic exercise followed by long seasons of being a couch potato have left my body 40 pounds over weight and with very little muscle tone.

Choices, that's the real magic, good choices.  Those are the magical moments that got me here and they are the only magical moments that will solve my problems.  Choices like no more meat, no more sugar, no more white flour, no more dairy, no more allowing stress to take the place of exercise, no more sedentary lifestyle, no more compulsive comfort eating when I have a problem that is worrying me and no more letting other people's lives and needs take priority over mine.

I have a choice and it isn't too late to get on track.  I can't get the last 40 years back but I can make the next 5, 10, 15, 20 years so much better if I will just let go of magical thinking and get real by making healthy, loving and consistent choices about my behaviors.

It all sounds so easy when I'm not hungry, stressed or tired.  How do others stick with healthy choices in those moments of weakness?  If you are reading this and you have any suggestions or tips, please leave a comment.  I need all the help that I can get.  I can't wiggle my nose or nodded my way out of this one.  It will be a day by day, decision by decision, choice by choice journey.  It will take a long time but that's okay too.  Why the rush?  Better to take a long time so that there is lots of time for me to learn, to change unhealthy habits and distorted thinking.