Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Can You Recommend a Food Processor

Well it happened, my old food processor blade disintegrated while making fat free hummus.  So, now I'm looking for the best bang for my buck.  I subscribe to Consumer Reports online.  The top two models are both Cuisinart brand with a Kitchen Aid coming in a very close third.  The Cuisinart models are both 200.00 while the Kitchen Aid is 89.99.  I have to wonder if there is that big of a difference.

Okay so all you veggie lovers out there who might happen across my humble blog please weigh in and let me know what you think.  I'm looking for easy to use and easy to clean up, simple and uncomplicated.

Thanks in advance!

Friday, November 11, 2011


I've heard it said a lot lately that when the dates line up as a series of 1's, like today, that it is a day of connection, of blessing, of unity, of healing.  A moment ago it was 1:11 am on 11/11/11.  I'm celebrating this once in a lifetime moment, but also finding that I'm celebrating everyday  more and more.  I'm starting to see the gift that everyday is if only I will open my eyes and see it.  So as I pause and acknowledge the rare qualities of today I pray that I will also pause on 11/12/11 and do the same.  how wonderful that each  day is unique and precious. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Magic Word is.....Choices

I grew up on Bewitched and I Dream of Genie.  I watched as two beautiful women wiggled their noses and nodded their heads in order to solve all their problems.  I have been waiting for magic words, pills, exercise gadgets and gimmick foods all of my life.  The truth is that there is no quick fix to restoring a healthy body when for 40 years I've been doing my best to destroy it.  Yo-yo fad dieting, periods of fanatic exercise followed by long seasons of being a couch potato have left my body 40 pounds over weight and with very little muscle tone.

Choices, that's the real magic, good choices.  Those are the magical moments that got me here and they are the only magical moments that will solve my problems.  Choices like no more meat, no more sugar, no more white flour, no more dairy, no more allowing stress to take the place of exercise, no more sedentary lifestyle, no more compulsive comfort eating when I have a problem that is worrying me and no more letting other people's lives and needs take priority over mine.

I have a choice and it isn't too late to get on track.  I can't get the last 40 years back but I can make the next 5, 10, 15, 20 years so much better if I will just let go of magical thinking and get real by making healthy, loving and consistent choices about my behaviors.

It all sounds so easy when I'm not hungry, stressed or tired.  How do others stick with healthy choices in those moments of weakness?  If you are reading this and you have any suggestions or tips, please leave a comment.  I need all the help that I can get.  I can't wiggle my nose or nodded my way out of this one.  It will be a day by day, decision by decision, choice by choice journey.  It will take a long time but that's okay too.  Why the rush?  Better to take a long time so that there is lots of time for me to learn, to change unhealthy habits and distorted thinking. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

No Strings Attached

Typical for me, I've been eating the Engine 2 Diet now for over a month and I haven't lost a pound.  The good news is that my weight has stabilized more.  I still go up and down four pounds on any day, but no more and no less.  I think perhaps this is a period of time when my body is realizing it isn't a yo-yo.  It doesn't have to perform tricks.  It doesn't have to react every time someone jerks on the string.  It can just be!  No strings attached, just free!

I started a Yin and Hatha Yoga class.  It is wonderful.  It isn't rough, or pretzel in its approach.  It is about deep breathing, stretching, connecting from the inside out.  I'm amazed how centered I am when I leave.  There I can breathe.  There I can relax.  There I am safe.  No phones, no demands, no papers to write, no books to check in or out.  I'm just there and all is right with the world.   Of course the problem with that is that it only lasts 2 hours and then I'm back out in the midst of the other ants racing around to build the hill.  I try to hang on to some of it, but the world works to rob me of my peace.  I guess that is its job.  My job is to ignore it, to say no, and to use my breathing to stay connected.  If I'm with the ants, I'm the one humming, peacefully to myself in the corner.

Off to make myself a Rip's big bowl.  I'm totally addicted to this breakfast.  It is so good and lasts all morning! 

Friday, September 9, 2011

Still Vegan After All this Time

Well, long time no write.  I have a good reason.  I saved my dog and screwed up my right arm, shoulder and neck.  I'm still in the pinch of things with my neck and shoulder so my fingers on the right hand are stilt tingling and a bit numb.  I didn't want it to be my neck but the longer this goes on the more I'm suspecting a disc or something of that nature.  I'm calling tomorrow to get an appointment with a neurologist just for safety sake.  Today I also learned at my other doctors that I have a lymph node I need to have examined (swollen).  It is on the same side as the injury so I feel confident that it is merely inflammation or maybe infection, but I could have gone another 100 years without having a doctor get serious with me over a node in my neck. 

But enough of that crisis, I started yoga, to help with my injury and love it!  I have always wanted to attend a yoga class but felt intimidated.  I mean we've all seen yoga teachers, lean, flexible, other worldly peace and tranquility.  What in the world would an uptight, anxious, chubby library clerk be doing in a yoga class?  The answer is loving it.  I do what I can and accept that it is enough for me.  I'm not as flexible as the other ladies in the class, but then again I'm new.  I think my injury, this vegan life and yoga are all about God teaching me patience.  When I say teaching, I don't mean He's teaching me in a slap my knuckles with a ruler sort of way, but just life circumstances and the lessons that can be gleaned from even painful and difficult circumstances.

I am afraid that since I started the new semester I haven't been very creative in my eating.  I've had way too many days of eating Rip's Big Bowl and a Veggie Burger.  I know I need to add better meals preparation, planning and execution to my list but honestly between the pain in my neck, numbness in my dominate hand and stress of online classes with an injury, I have felt too overwhelmed and still feel too overwhelmed to give a hoot about cooking. 

I haven't lost any more weight but I haven't gained.  For this yo-yo I am counting that as progress. 

I've missed this community.  Maybe reading the other blogs I will once again find the inspiration to add more color to my plate and my palate.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Sticky Stories

Ten days, two migraines and an ongoing coup by the right side of my body, but I'm back.  I did eat meat!  I know, I know, the migraine was hitting me hard and the only options involved meat so I ate it.  Skipping food tends to intensify my migraines so I took care of myself the best way I could in that moment.  Then I started beating myself up.  I didn't deserve to continue, I had messed up so why not give up, all those old shame strategies.  This morning I woke and realized that I am eating better.  I am being better to myself, so I slipped, but I didn't slide.  So, here I am again.  Veggies, soy milk and calm in hand still a part of this journey.   I never intended to limit it to 28 days.  I know this is a life long change.  During those years spreading out before me I will eat meat.  I know I will.  I will have a day where it is an option and it is, given the circumstances, the best option to take care of myself.  My overall goal was to take better care of myself.  I am still within that goal.  I'm being less legalistic, more realistic, for forgiving of myself and others, and yes, I'm eating vegetables, fruits and whole grains.   So I'm  back on track and moving forward down the road to  a new kinder, gentler, and more compassionate life.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Yoga, Veggies and Rest

Happy Friday!!!  What a wonderful week of taking care of myself!  I know it doesn't probably sound like a big deal but for me to actually keep my own best interest on the front burner is a major achievement!  I am grateful that the E2 diet makes the new way of eating so simple.  Off and on I've been stressed this week, but instead of throwing in the towel I chose to remain focused on taking care of myself.  I ignored all the old voices in my head that wanted to quote incorrect nutritional nonsense.  I can still hear the Mulligan Stew 4-4-3-2 mantra from the second grade curriculum/cartoon series.  I have found that dealing with stress is actually a lot easier when I'm filling up on healthy food, getting proper rest and spending time centering with yoga and meditation.

Tonight I made a modified Ann's Panini.  It was great and I have enough left for lunch tomorrow. Before when I tried the veggie life I felt overwhelmed and afraid of the trying the new ingredients and recipes.  I think my parents, who are now in their 70's, are my inspiration.  At 70 they both decided to completely overhaul their eating habits.  They read Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease by Caldwell B. Esselstyn Jr., M.D. and have been vegan for 2.5 years now.  If they can completely do a 180 after 70 years of eating habits surely I can do it after 45.

I continue to gain inspiration also from all fellow travelers on the vegan wagon!  Thanks to all for sharing your progress, discoveries, struggles and triumphs!!!  

Oh How the Years Add Up

Well I feel like I'm sailing along with my new veggie life!  I'm still amazed by how well my thermostat is working off of the sugar and preservatives.  I'm also amazed by how full I am on this food.  I think in the past that I allowed food to fill more than my stomach.  It filled the role of distraction, comforter, medication, and excuse to sit and not get busy.  I also believe that I've spent so much of my life in mindless eating.  I'm just numbed out snacking away and then I wonder how I gained 10 pounds, 20 pounds or 30 pounds.  Well, chances are and science suggests that I gained it one bite at a time over 17 years.  I figured it out.  I've gained 1.42 pounds each year over the last 19 years and that is why I have 27 pounds to lose.  It doesn't sound like much, but there is a reason I've always hated math and it is that things do tend to add up! I've accumulated a lot of weight bit by bit, year by year and bite by bite.  Fewer bites, smaller bits and hopefully in a short time I will be back to my old trim self!

I'd love to weigh less but my overall goal is just to feel better.  I'm getting older and numbers are going up, besides the scale i.e. cholesterol and triglycerides.  The least I can do is give my heart, liver and joints a break!

I'm trying to drink more water.  I'm off dairy, meat, oil, refined sugar and flour in true E2 fashion.  I feel better already and so far my energy is good.  The steroids haven't increased my appetite, but have helped me throw off the end of my cold virus and life is looking much, much better!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day Three No Sweat

Well today was an easy day.  I'm not one to jump into a lot of new things at once so I like to Keep It Simple, Stupid.  So I am sticking with Rips Big Bowl for the moment for breakfast.  Today I did make the portabello mushroom burgers and I'm still eating the massive amount of Pasta Primavera.

I was a little afraid that the steroids would make me hungrier than normal.  They usually do.  So far though this veggie life is filling me up.  I can already tell a huge difference in my personal thermostat by increasing the soy and losing the sugar.  I have no hormones so usually I'm pretty miserable all of the time but especially in the summer.  The last time I went on E2 I noticed my thermostat worked better and had forgotten how quickly things improved off the processed, sugar laden, soy deprived semi-food I used to consume.

I'm enjoying reading all of the blogs that I got off of Jonny O's site.  I look forward to reading the posts each day.  I honestly feel like we are all in this together.  It strengthens me when I'm tired and someone brings fresh bagels with cream cheese into the office.  I can say no so much easier knowing others are making the same smart choices for their life as well!  

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Steroids, Work and E2

Headed to the doctor today and he gave me steroids to help me get over this lingering cold/flu.  I took my little pills and then headed back to work.  It was tough at first.  I'd missed over a week of work being sick and to be honest I was rusty!  Is that an age thing?  I love my job but today I felt like I was hiking through mud all day.  I'm hoping it will go better tomorrow.

The steroids are already helping with my wacky immune system and clearing out the congestion.  I can actually hear MY voice again and not that gravelly, old man voice I've been sporting for a week and a half.

While at work I learned that Saturday there is a party at a friend's house to say goodbye to a summer worker.  They were talking coconut cupcakes and margaritas.  I can't have either so I'm wondering what I can do to stay on my plan and still be a part of this party.  Any suggestions fellow E2'ers?

Hang in there one and all, two days down the road and all is well!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Day One Yum

Well I hit the grocery store today and was amazed that I could find everything!  Gnocchi?  Never heard of it but it sounded like pasta and sure enough there is was in the pasta section!  I'm working on my cholesterol level so I opted for an extra 1/4 of cup of oats in my Rip's Big Bowl today.  It was easy and it was good!  Tonight it was Pasta Primavera.  Tomorrow will be the real challenge for me.  I have a doctor's appointment and then I work until late, so I will have to figure out how to have E2 will travel! 

It was nice today thinking of all the other people who are joining Jonny O on his Vegan Adventure.  It is a lot easier to make changes knowing I'm not alone.  I hope all my fellow adventurers had a good first day as well! 

Sunday, July 31, 2011

The End of the Waiting Game

I find myself in life's waiting room a lot.  I'm flipping through magazines waiting for someone to come out and call my name.  They aren't calling me back into an examination room though.  No, they are giving me permission.  Permission to live my life.  I keep waiting for someone to tell me that it is okay to take care of myself, to take extra time to do yoga, to stretch, to walk, to eat right, and to get enough rest.  Our society is a work based society.  We get rewarded for hard work.  The more work a person does the more valuable they are.  If that is true then why do we worship the rich who no longer have to work?  We are a conflicted society.  We don't even know what we want or what we worship.  We wait and hope someone else will tell us.  

Tomorrow is launch day!  I have my E2 grocery list ready and my menu for the week prepared.  I remember how difficult the first two weeks were when I first went on this diet.  I know I will have my moments of weakness, so I will need to have healthy alternatives ready as well as  a list of healthy activities I can use to distract myself.  The important thing for me  to remember is that my goal isn't to feel full every second of every day but to be healthier overall.  My goal isn't instant gratification but to enjoy a greater quality of life overall.  I'm not going to get this program perfectly correct, but progress is my goal, not perfection.

I'm nervous, but instead of picking up yet another magazine and continuing to wait, I'm taking an action.  I'm not waiting for someone else to call my name.  I'm calling my name.  I'm giving myself permission to live my life.  I'm taking the time that I need to live the  life I love and love the life I live.  There will be ups and downs, but just like a heart monitor, ups and downs indicate life.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Just the Facts

Today I found myself wavering!  Oh no, this is not good.  I haven't even started and I'm already giving myself excuses for why I failed!  I think the most responsible and helpful response I can have to this would be to stop and ask myself "Why?".  Why would I already be looking for an exit strategy?  Sometimes I think that I lean on a nasty habit of leaning on excuses instead of stepping up and doing the work!  It is so much easier to make excuses, blame circumstances, point the finger at other people, or sudden situations than it is to do the work, make the changes and break the habits.  No one said taking care of myself would be easy.  It isn't easy but it is necessary!  If I want to be healthy then I have to take care of my body.  That's just a fact!  No more fantasy! 

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Vegan Launch August 1, 2011

Well after spending a week sick in bed I have a new appreciation for my health. At 45 it is time to grow up and stop pretending that I can continue to abuse my body without suffering consequences. My body deserves good daily maintenance and I'm the only mechanic that is qualified to service it.

So, after finding Jonny's blog I feel confident in returning to the vegan life. I was on Dr. Esselstyn's diets for three months once before, with my parents, and felt great. I have owned Rip's book, The Engine 2 Diet, for over a year and toyed with the idea of starting his program more than once.

It is time to stop being a yo-yo and start being a responsible, caring adult who manages her life instead of letting her life manage her.