Thursday, July 28, 2011

Vegan Launch August 1, 2011

Well after spending a week sick in bed I have a new appreciation for my health. At 45 it is time to grow up and stop pretending that I can continue to abuse my body without suffering consequences. My body deserves good daily maintenance and I'm the only mechanic that is qualified to service it.

So, after finding Jonny's blog I feel confident in returning to the vegan life. I was on Dr. Esselstyn's diets for three months once before, with my parents, and felt great. I have owned Rip's book, The Engine 2 Diet, for over a year and toyed with the idea of starting his program more than once.

It is time to stop being a yo-yo and start being a responsible, caring adult who manages her life instead of letting her life manage her.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to have you with us! I, too, have just been biding my time til I went back to the vegan lifestyle. I know it works, and works well, and I feel better than ever when I'm doing it. Jonny's challenge was just what I needed to push me into action.

    PS - love your last sentence here. I'm writing it down and making it my mantra!
