Friday, August 5, 2011

Oh How the Years Add Up

Well I feel like I'm sailing along with my new veggie life!  I'm still amazed by how well my thermostat is working off of the sugar and preservatives.  I'm also amazed by how full I am on this food.  I think in the past that I allowed food to fill more than my stomach.  It filled the role of distraction, comforter, medication, and excuse to sit and not get busy.  I also believe that I've spent so much of my life in mindless eating.  I'm just numbed out snacking away and then I wonder how I gained 10 pounds, 20 pounds or 30 pounds.  Well, chances are and science suggests that I gained it one bite at a time over 17 years.  I figured it out.  I've gained 1.42 pounds each year over the last 19 years and that is why I have 27 pounds to lose.  It doesn't sound like much, but there is a reason I've always hated math and it is that things do tend to add up! I've accumulated a lot of weight bit by bit, year by year and bite by bite.  Fewer bites, smaller bits and hopefully in a short time I will be back to my old trim self!

I'd love to weigh less but my overall goal is just to feel better.  I'm getting older and numbers are going up, besides the scale i.e. cholesterol and triglycerides.  The least I can do is give my heart, liver and joints a break!

I'm trying to drink more water.  I'm off dairy, meat, oil, refined sugar and flour in true E2 fashion.  I feel better already and so far my energy is good.  The steroids haven't increased my appetite, but have helped me throw off the end of my cold virus and life is looking much, much better!


  1. I love that you're doing so well and really embracing this challenge, Melinda! How strange it is to me that a week or so ago, I knew none of you. And now I care deeply about your success!

  2. Yeppers--it feels good to eat clean!

  3. I know what you mean! I have come to look forward to being with my friend each day! I'm so encouraged and invested in each person's program and progress!!!
